PNG 2024 Mission – Daily report

PNG 2024 Mission – Daily report

What about following the mission? Come on board the M/V Silver for a month-long humanitarian mission in Papua New Guinea in partnership with Gulf Christian Services. Two medical teams from this hospital will be working with us during this mission. Day by day, we...
New mission in PNG: New Province…

New mission in PNG: New Province…

The Aidocean team is on the way for a new mission in Papua New Guinea: GP PNG 2024.   A change of scenery this year: the members of Aidocean will be working in the Gulf Province to the south of the main island. In order to work effectively, a partnership has been...
The PNG 2023 mission in video

The PNG 2023 mission in video

See the whole Aidocean team in action during the PNG 2023 mission. Thank you to all our partners, sponsors and donors. Thanks to you, Aidocean can continue its work to help the isolated populations of Papua New Guinea, particularly children.  
Yvy’s Pandanus project in the spotlight

Yvy’s Pandanus project in the spotlight

The “Pandanus de Yvy” association has been honoured many times this year. Marine met Elisabeth and André Wiako a few years ago, and it was only natural that she wanted Aidocean to be a partner for the couple’s association. The aim: to develop the...
10 castaways in the Bismark Sea

10 castaways in the Bismark Sea

Whilst sailing in the Bismarck Sea in Papua New Guinea northern coast of New-Britain, the French ONG Aidocean’s boat comes across a drifting banana boat.  The skipper ran out of fuel the day before with 10 people onboard including four kids. The ”castaways” have...