Mission Gulf Province PNG 2024 en vidéo

Mission Gulf Province PNG 2024 en vidéo

Retrouvez toute l’équipe d’Aidocean de la mission PNG GP 2024 en vidéo. Vous y découvrirez le parcours de la mission, les actions menées et le bilan de ce mois de mission humanitaire en Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée. English : The whole Aidocean team on the...
GP PNG 2024 mission report : last week

GP PNG 2024 mission report : last week

3rd and last week of mission Continue the adventure with us, aboard the M/V Silver on this humanitarian mission to Papua New Guinea, in partnership with Gulf Christian Services. Akoma and Ikinu Village The village’s name means “to count the men”, and...
GP PNG 2024 mission: week 2

GP PNG 2024 mission: week 2

This second week will take place by the sea, in Orokolo Bay. It will also be a change of team, both Papuan and French. To read directly the day you want, click on the date below. Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 9: Thursday, April, the 18th Early morning departure for the...
PNG 2024 Mission – Daily report

PNG 2024 Mission – Daily report

What about following the mission? Come on board the M/V Silver for a month-long humanitarian mission in Papua New Guinea in partnership with Gulf Christian Services. Two medical teams from this hospital will be working with us during this mission. Day by day, we...
New mission in PNG: New Province…

New mission in PNG: New Province…

The Aidocean team is on the way for a new mission in Papua New Guinea: GP PNG 2024.   A change of scenery this year: the members of Aidocean will be working in the Gulf Province to the south of the main island. In order to work effectively, a partnership has been...