In Brief: Ulaputur in New Ireland Province

    • Reunification and missed location
    • Thousands of Vaccines .. but no syringes
    • Earthquake / Tsunami – When Ignorance is a blessing
    • The medical team is now complete

Reunification and missed location: In order to reunite with Marine Bayer and Sébastien Destremau sent to Kavieng last week, the vessel Golden Dawn celebrates her arrival in Ulaputur Plantation in the Province of New Ireland at lunchtime on Tuesday September 13. Except that the village of Uluputur has been moved a few kilometers south and the maps have not being updated. Without a telephone network, it is impossible to inform the Captain of the change! Everything will be back to normal when Alexis, Theo and Captain Craig are being picked up by small boat and brought back to the right village.

Thousands of Vaccines … but no syringe: Kavieng Hospital in New Ireland provided 9,520 doses of vaccines to the Aidocean Immunization Program … but no syringe or cotton. ”You should find these in the dispensaries”. ”mmm Righto!”. These thousands of vaccines will prevent 10 serious childhood pathologies (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Hepatitis B, Haemaphilus, Pneunococci, Rubella, Polio, Tuberculosis and Measles) in the villages of PukPuk Semalu and on the islands of Lamassa, Babase and Tanga

Earthquake / Tsunami – Ignorance is a blessing: On Sunday, the Golden Dawn is sailing off Laé a few kilometers from the epicenter of the earthquake that devastated the region. 36hrs later, the Golden Dawn is finally within telephone range and the crew are stunned to learn that an earthquake has occurred in their navigation area. They were so lucky to avoid the worst.. without even knowing it.

The medical team is now complete: On top of Doctor Jean Michel who arrived from France on Monday, the team has now been joined by four local specialists for the whole mission: Abraham (dentist), Jack (dentist assistant), Peter (doctor) and Jacinta (nurse) boarded the Golden Dawn before setting sail for the Duke of York archipelago in the setting sun tonight.

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END/ Pictures with mandatory mention: @Theodore de Kerros / Aidocean


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