The Aidocean team doctor Jean-Michel comes across a 40-year-old woman whose foot is completely exploded. A simple splinter that has been cured with poison used to catch fish.

“The lesion is significant and the evolution is very pejorative for the future. Emergency hospitalization is necessary because the risk of gangrene of the foot which would require amputation is real,” says Jean Michel.

Immediately, Marine hires a speedboat to send the poor Sarah to the island of New Britain where she will be taken care of by the emergency services. “We will be in Rabaul soon and we will pay a visit to the hospital. She could be losing her foot but we hope she will get out of it” worries the president Bayer.

On Saturday September 25, the team arrives at the Rabaul Hospital to find a smiling Sarah with a nice bandage on her foot. An appointment is taken with the surgeon to discuss the surgery due to be carried out on Tuesday or as soon as the wound allows it.

Sarah is probably going to spend well over a month in hospital following a graft of skin however the good news is, she should be able to keep her right foot.

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